You should get rid of the mute function.
That just ruins the game.
You should get rid of the mute function.
That just ruins the game.
Don't you dare do this again!
-Review for you-
Why did you copy off of Field Climber in Tetris Party? Uncool!
-Review for the game-
The music is boring, and the instructions don't make sense. But the gameplay is kinda fun.
I am glad you have improved
because this stinks.
I agree with NolChannel.
No-hard-drop unofficial fail version of Tetris is fail.
The "0" would've been a "2" if it weren't for R-type.
i liked the boat illusion
and where was the boat? all i saw was water and some other stuff
im the juggernaut bitch i'll pimpslap ur ass bitch
replayed that for about 10 minutes
then replayed it some more
i love this
i don't know why, i just like fucking up ragdolls :D
short but still awesome
i beat the whole damn game and i'm gonna press refresh again and again and again until i die and then i'll press refresh some more
Joined on 6/21/10